Export Control Awareness & Training

November 29, 2022
Roberto Galvan Ramos, Jr
Export and Control Officer
Research & Economic Development
November 29, 2022

U.S. export control regulations and sanctions laws continue to change dynamically, most notably in response to the invasion of Ukraine and the United States’ efforts to compete with China in semiconductor manufacturing. Indeed, these regulatory changes are more frequently popping up as front page news across the country. University activities, particularly research involving Russia, restricted entities, or utilizing semiconductor technology, will likely be most impacted. Accordingly, UCR reaffirms its Commitment to Export Compliance with all U.S. export control regulations and sanctions laws. This commitment extends to all research and non-research activities covered by export controls and conducted at UCR or other locations by its faculty, academic appointees, staff, and students, including student employees and non-employee participants in UCR programs.

UCR’s Export Control Office continues to monitor regulatory changes to ensure local leadership remains abreast of any potential impacts to university activities that may result in necessary compliance actions or process improvements. As part of its efforts to provide continued awareness on export control regulations and sanctions laws, the Export Control Office makes training an integral part of UCR’s Export Compliance Program Plan (ECP) and offers a series of Training Resources such as on-line videos, infographics, handouts and in-person meetings to all members of the UCR community. All Training Resources are accessible on UCR’s Export Control website.

Please contact the Export Control Office at exportcontrol@ucr.edu with any questions or requests for additional information.