Budget update for fiscal year 2025

Dear UCR Colleagues, On March 15, we wrote to you about knowns and unknowns regarding the FY25 budget. Now that Governor Newsom has signed the Budget Act of 2024, we have more information to guide our plans for UCR’s FY25 budget. SALARY AND BENEFITS INCREASES AT UCR As we noted in our March 15 letter, most of our fixed cost increases are for...

By Elizabeth Watkins and Gerry Bomotti |

UCPath gender identity, sexual orientation, and pronouns update coming

In mid-July, UCPath will be launching an updated online interface with a modern design, which will update current and include new fields to collect gender identity, sexual orientation, and pronouns. This update aligns with UC’s Gender Recognition and Lived Name (GRLN) policy. What’s New? • Gender Identity: Updated terms for gender identity will...

By Gerry Bomotti |

Former UCR vice chancellor named vice chair for Regents

Former vice chancellor of planning and budget at UC Riverside, Regent Maria Anguiano, is the new vice chair of the UC Board of Regents. Regent Janet Reilly is the new chair. Both were selected for their leadership roles by their fellow Regents and will serve one-year terms starting July 1. Anguiano is the executive vice president of Arizona State...

By UCR News |

Chancellor's Update -- June 2024

Dear Colleagues, Following another successful graduation season, I am filled with gratitude at all you do to help students achieve their educational dreams. Over the last three weeks, approximately 6,000 students received their baccalaureate or graduate degrees from UC Riverside. More than 40,000 guests celebrated in person at ceremonies while...

By Kim A. Wilcox |

UCR’s first Campus Interdisciplinary Research Center announced

Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Elizabeth Watkins and Vice Chancellor of Research and Economic Development (VCRED) Rodolfo Torres are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the review process for naming the inaugural Campus Interdisciplinary Research Center, or CIRC. After a thorough review process, the Riverside Artificial...

By Elizabeth Watkins and Rodolfo Torres |

Undergraduate Education appoints new associate dean

It is with great excitement that I write to share the appointment of the next Associate Dean/Honors Director, Dr. Begona Echeverria. Dr. Echeverria is a long time Professor in UCR’s School of Education and has served in various leadership roles over the last 20+ years. Dr. Echeverria’s academic work addresses the sociology of language and education...

By Louie F. Rodriguez |

Required Time and Attendance Reporting Reminder

Thank you for your hard work this year. Each University of California (UC) employee is critical to our success and helps us achieve our shared goals of education, research, patient care, and student support. We know that your everyday duties can be demanding, making it easy to forget certain routine, but required, tasks like submitting your...

By Human Resources |

Salary Increase for policy-covered staff and academic employees

Dear Campus Community, This year, I am pleased to announce a 4.2% general salary increase for all policy-covered staff and academic employees for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, subject to eligibility requirements. The general salary adjustment will not be a “merit” allocation this year. However, employees must receive a minimum overall rating of...

By Kim A. Wilcox |

Provost's spring campus update

Dear Campus Community, One year ago, I wrote to announce the official launch of our campus strategic plan, UCR 2030. Today, I’m pleased to announce that we have completed the annual update to UCR 2030. I presented the update at the May 21st division meeting of the Academic Senate, and we have scheduled a Zoom town hall for a similar presentation to...

By Elizabeth Watkins |

Chancellor's Update -- May 2024

Dear Colleagues, Later this week, students in the UC Riverside School of Medicine graduating with their medical degrees will take the Hippocratic Oath, a common set of ethical principles intended to guide their actions and decisions in caring for patients and their communities. One of the commitments each graduating MD will make is to “be a strong...

By Kim A. Wilcox |

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Notification 2024

The purpose of this notice is to inform UC Riverside campus employees, building owners, lessees, and operators about the availability of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) within the campus buildings. AEDs are crucial medical devices designed to provide emergency assistance to those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. Click here for complete...

By Environmental Health & Safety |

Student with weapon on campus in police custody

The UC Riverside Police Department on Monday night secured an arrest warrant for a UCR student in connection with the recent discovery of an assault rifle in a campus residential building. The student was arrested in Los Angeles County and brought to the Riverside County Jail. The arrest comes after UC police executed a search warrant in a campus...

By University Relations |

Student suspended for possessing a weapon on campus

The UC Riverside Police Department executed a search warrant on May 3, 2024, in a campus residence hall after evidence of a weapon was found on campus. A search of a room in the North District residential apartments revealed an assault rifle registered to a student, ammunition, five high-capacity magazines, and hand-drawn images in a journal...

By University Relations |

FAQs on encampment agreement

Why are the School of Business Global Programs in Oxford, USA, Cuba, Vietnam, Brazil, China, Egypt, Jordan, and Israel being discontinued as part of the agreement? Through our dialogue, we learned that these study-abroad programs were not offered under the auspices of the UC Riverside Office of International Affairs, nor are they consistent with...

By Office of the Chancellor |

Agreement to peacefully end encampment on campus

Dear Campus Community, Since Wednesday, several UC Riverside campus leaders have been meeting with the leaders of the student encampment on campus. These meetings have been productive, civil, and representative of multiple points of view on how to reach a resolution. I am pleased to share that we have reached an agreement that will result in the...

By Kim A. Wilcox |

UCR adopts retention policy for content stored in Zoom cloud

Dear Highlanders, As we transitioned to hybrid teaching, learning, and working, UC Riverside’s Zoom adoption rate also increased significantly. Yet despite this development, UCR has yet to join other University of California campuses in establishing a retention policy for content stored in Zoom cloud storage. To proactively mitigate cloud storage...

By Information Technology Solutions and XCITE Center for Teaching and Learning |

Encampment on campus

Dear Campus Community, The suffering in Gaza since the start of this war has been unimaginable – more than 30,000 deaths, millions of people displaced, and hunger that is bordering on famine. The crisis has affected many on our campus in a personal and profound way. Early this morning, student demonstrators set up a tent encampment near the Bell...

By Kim A. Wilcox |

UCR Compliance and Civil Rights 2022-23 annual report available

UC Riverside has released its second annual Compliance and Civil Rights Report for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, highlighting the work of the Chief Compliance Office. Our office coordinates ethics and compliance activities for the campus and has direct responsibility for the campus policy and privacy programs, compliance risk assessments, auditing and...

By Kiersten Boyce |

R'Mail migration allows for common user-friendly platforms

Dear Colleagues, We have come to know over the years that organizations thrive when people are able to communicate effectively and collaborate efficiently. However, when campus groups are using different tools for work, this can be difficult to achieve. To address challenges in interorganizational communication and collaboration and to further...

By Information Technology Solutions |

Addressing bias and bigotry: call for proposals

Dear Campus Community, The University of California Office of the President (UCOP) is providing each campus with one-time funding to address and combat bias, bigotry, and discrimination. UC Riverside is now accepting proposals from faculty, staff, and students for $175,000 in funding. Please review the following website for information on...

By Brian Haynes |