Update on Federal Research Funding Guidance

January 29, 2025
Rodolfo H. Torres
Vice Chancellor
Research and Economic Development
January 29, 2025

Like many of you, I have been closely following the evolving updates and discussions surrounding the recent White House executive orders and their implications for federally funded research. I fully understand the uncertainty this situation has created, and I want to reassure you that research leadership across the UC system is working diligently with Government Relations, Legal Counsel, and other key stakeholders to interpret and respond to these developments.

While I have communicated individually with many PIs and Deans, we have been awaiting systemwide guidance from UCOP to ensure a consistent approach across campuses. That message, issued by the UC Vice President for Research, is now available and attached to this email.

I want to emphasize the following key points:

· If you receive a notification ordering a pause, termination, or modification to your research activities, please forward them immediately to REDalert@ucr.edu. We will review the notification received and work with you to develop an appropriate response and strategy.

· We will also be sharing guidance received from agencies resulting from the Presidential Executive Orders. Such guidance will be posted on a dedicated webpage that will be available shortly.

· In the event there are any diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) activities under your federal contract or financial assistance award (including grants and cooperative agreements), please notify your RED Officer.  

· Unless you receive direct communication requiring action, or you are affected by agency-specific orders that we will be sharing, please continue your research activities as usual.

· Proposal development and submission processes remain unchanged for now. However, we encourage you to verify that your solicitation remains active on grants.gov and check for any amendments or updated instructions.

I appreciate your patience as we seek greater clarity from funding agencies. UC Riverside has successfully navigated complex challenges in the past—most notably during the COVID-19 pandemic—and I am confident that, together, we will effectively manage this situation as well.

All my best wishes for your continuing research.