University Communications manages a mass email distribution system known as Scotmail. The Scotmail system hosts lists of mandatory recipients comprising entire groups of employees or students.

  • The students list is used to distribute messages that have been approved by the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs
  • The senate list is used to distribute messages that have been approved by the Academic Senate
  • The staff and faculty lists are used to send out messages that have been approved by one of the designated approvers defined in UCR Policy 350-11. These lists are used by the Chancellor, Provost, Enterprise Risk Management, Human Resources, and University Communications for messages that are urgent, time-sensitive, and relevant to all recipients. Messages concerning campus health and safety will be immediately sent to all users as will communications distributed at the request of the University of California President and the campus E-newsmagazine, Inside UCR.

List Archives

Scotmail Daily Digest



ANS (Academic Non Senate)

Athletic Events

Campus Services

Campus Safety

Cultural Events


Student Life


Scotmail Digest (up to 11/14/2017)