June is National Safety Month: Slips, Trips, Falls

Wed, 06/12/2019 - 12:00
Environmental Health & Safety
June 12, 2019

Though they might seem harmless, slips, trips and falls are some of the most common hazards we face in the workplace and they can have serious consequences. Always following safety procedures is crucial to avoiding injury, but so is speaking up to keep your coworkers safe.

Key hazards may include:

  • Distracted walking (texting, emailing)
  • Walking up or down stairs with arms full of coffee, cell phone, work tools or bags
  • Messy work space (scattered papers, items on the floor, blocked exits

When you see a risk with a simple fix, don’t hesitate to fix it safely. This applies whether you are at work, back home or out in your community. Sometimes that fix means cleaning up a mess you didn’t create or having a quick, awkward conversation, but the end result is worth it. Embrace this concept and you can help us all keep each other safe.

If you or a co-worker experiences a slip, trip or fall at work, please report it using EFR: ehs.ucop.edu/efr