Dear UCR Campus Community,
On Saturday, September 28th, the Associated Student Program Board (ASPB) within the Division of Students Affairs is hosting UCR's Annual Highlander Welcome Concert. We wanted to notify you of potential amplified sound and access that may affect the inner areas of campus.
Even though the event is on Saturday, inner campus will be effected starting Friday, September 27th, due to the arrival and set-up for fencing, restrooms, canopies, staging, etc. The event kicks off at 4:30pm and will last until 9:00pm; however sound checks for the artists will begin at 10:00am until 4:00 pm. Please be advised that the center of campus will be fenced and access to the inner areas of campus will be impacted as a result. Students, faculty and staff will be asked to walk around the fenced areas beginning at 3:00 pm until the event ends. We will provide signage that ensures everyone is able to get to where they need to go. Below is a link to a map outlining the alternative routes once the venue is closed at 3:00pm.
We appreciate your patience and support of activities for our students that assist them in making a deeper connection to UCR. If you would like more information about the event, please visit blockparty.ucr.edu
Students, as reminder your R’Card and your Email Safety Module Confirmation is your ticket into the event. We will not offer student verification at the event, no R’Card and No Email Confirmation = No entry.
Naime Laskar
Coordinator for the Associated Student Program Board (ASPB)
Ellen Whitehead
Director, Student Life Office