Employees asked to fill out commute survey

Wed, 08/12/2020 - 12:00
UCR Transportation and Parking Services
August 12, 2020

As a large employer, UCR is required by law to adhere to South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD) Rule 2202. It's time to conduct UCR's annual employee commute survey and report on how employees travel to work.

We are tracking employee work habits for the week beginning Monday, August 3, 2020.

All employees (including student employees) are obligated to complete the quick questionnaire. This includes those that work from home and those that didn't report to work that week. Responses are reported in aggregate and no personal information will be shared.

Complete the survey before August 28th to be entered into a drawing to win gift cards. Access the survey as of August 3rd using your NetID at https://parkingapps.ucr.edu/aqmd/

Thank you in advance for helping us fulfill our commitment and accomplish our goal.