Early Childhood Services is Open & Currently Accepting Applications...Space is Limited!

Tue, 11/10/2020 - 12:00
Early Childhood Services
November 10, 2020

The health and safety of the children in our care is our top priority. As such, UCR Early Childhood Services (ECS) will follow special COVID-19 health and safety protocols which are developed based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), direction from state and local public authorities and in partnership with campus leadership.


UCR ECS has always operated its child care centers with stringent health and hygiene, cleaning and disinfecting, and illness exclusion policies because regular health and hygiene practices provide some of the best defenses against the spread of contagious illnesses. In response to the increased challenges of COVID-19, we have implemented the following enhanced protocols at our centers:


Enhanced Operating Protocols:


Nonessential visitors are not permitted in the center


Posted health notice restricting entry


Drop-offs/pick-ups are restricted to outside the center


Reduced class sizes – determined with reference to applicable local guidance 


Consistent groupings in separate classrooms


Outdoor time limited to one group at a time, with limited back-to-back use of the play area

Enhanced Health and Hygiene Protocols:


Daily temperature and health check conducted on arrival


Social distancing is practiced as much as possible


UCR ECS staff will wear face coverings


Frequent cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces, toys, and laundered items


Enhanced COVID-19 exclusion policy restricting center access in the event of a suspected or known exposure