Sky Hunters is an Astronomy event for kids aged 5-10 instructed by the UCR Astronomy Outreach Team which consists of Dr. Xinnan Du and graduate students Garett Lopez, Evan Oculam, Rudy Garcia, Bayu Wilson and Franco Iglesias. Find out what it's like on other planets, learn how far away the stars are and try fun, space-themed projects. The kids interact with experts in the field and get to experience cutting edge technology. We have a collaboration with NASA on curriculum and place emphasis on essential skill development in our interactions with the kids.
Astronomy Night - Sky Hunters Kids aged 5-10
January 27
Wednesday, 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Dial-In Information
Please contact Carl Dugdale the Youth Programs Coordinator to register for this event: carl.dugdale@ucr.edu.