The Office of Emergency Management has updated the Emergency Procedures Flip Chart for the campus. This resource provides critical information on for response to 15 emergency situations, including: Evacuation, Violence or Crime in Progress, Utility Failure, Active Shooter, Person in Distress, Suspicious Package/mail, Hazardous Material Incidents, Shelter-In Place: Hazardous Materials, Secure-In-Place: Police Activity, Evacuation of Persons with Disabilities, Access or Functional Needs, Blood Exposure and Medical Emergency, Bomb threat, Dire, Earthquake an Emergency Preparedness.
The new version is currently at the printer, thanks to our partners at Campus Business Services and will be available for distribution soon. In the meantime, you can view, save, download, & bookmark the digital version now! Emergency Flip Chart | Office of Emergency Management (ucr.edu)
You can also stop by EH&S to pick up an Emergency Procedures QR code magnet for your campus location or download a version to print and post at your location!
Thank you for helping keep UCR a safe place to live, work and learn. Please visit emergency.ucr.edu for more Emergency Preparedness resources. If you have any questions, please contact us: emergency@ucr.edu
Stay safe Highlanders!