New UCR Procurement & Risk Management
Online Request for Exception to UC Insurance Requirements Process
Exception Request Portal Launch: June 2023
In June 2023, Procurement and Risk Management launched a new Exception to UC Insurance Requirements Process. All requests for insurance exceptions are now required to be submitted through the Exception Request Portal. Email exception requests will be re-directed to the new online form.
University Procurement & Insurance Requirements:
Contractors, consultants, suppliers and vendors with whom the University does business with are generally required to furnish the University with a Certificate of Insurance to evidence financial responsibility. Insurance limits are based on the scope of work and associated risks to the University. Certificates of Insurance are obtained from a vendor’s insurance broker/agent.
The Certificate must evidence coverage in accordance with the contract/agreement or meet the University’s minimum insurance requirements. The Regents of the University of California shall be the Certificate Holder and named as an Additional Insured.
Vendors who do not have insurance or cannot meet the University’s insurance requirements can purchase a policy through University of California, Riverside CampusConnexions.
What Is Changing?
The UCR Risk Management Office has partnered with the Procurement Office to implement a new process for managing insurance exceptions (formerly known as insurance waiver requests). The new process better aligns with University requirements, safeguarding campus-wide compliance with BUS-63. Upon submittal through Exception Request Portal, reviews will be handled either by Procurement Office (for low to moderate exposures) or Risk Management Office (for high exposures) and will reduce the need for Risk Management to approve insurance exceptions as noted, with some limited exceptions.
Why Is This Changing Now?
The need to modernize internal processes coupled with increasing demand for services has afforded the opportunity to implement a new process to improve deliverables, eliminate redundancies and reduce turnover, benefiting the entire UCR community.
What Is Not Changing?
The Risk Management Office will continue to manage high-risk exposure requests as well as provide Risk Assessments for risk potential/liability determination and high-risk activities (i.e. working with minors, host liquor liability, transportation, professional liability).
The Procurement Office will continue to manage contracts and certificates of insurance oversight.
How Will This Change Impact Departments/ Units?
All requests for insurance exceptions are now required to be submitted through Exception Request Portal. Email requests will be re-directed as received to the new online process. To avoid unnecessary processing delays, ensure your office is informed and prepared for this change.
When Will This Change Be Implemented?
Testing and Piloting phases have been completed. The campus roll-out will begin June 2023. All new requests will be re-directed as they are received.
How Shall I Prepare For this Change?
Familiarize yourself and openly share all relevant information, forms, job aids with your business partners to ensure they are informed and up to date on changes.
How To Request an Exception to UC Insurance Requirements?
A Job Aid is available to facilitate technical information:
How to Request an Exception to UC Insurance Requirements
Where Can I Obtain Additional Information/ Resources?
UC Bus-63 Insurance Requirements: https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/3520339/BFB-BUS-63
UC Certificates of Insurance: https://www.ucop.edu/risk-services-insurance/resources/certificates.html
UC Insurance Minimum: https://www.ucop.edu/risk-services-insurance/_files/certificate-of-insurance/general_ins_limits_rev111313.pdf
UCR Business Contracts: https://procurement.ucr.edu/business-contracts
UCR Contracting Offices Matrix: https://procurement.ucr.edu/sites/default/files/2021-03/Matrix.pdf
UCR Procurement: https://procurement.ucr.edu/
UCR Risk Management: https://risk.ucr.edu/