Volunteers Needed for Student Conduct Committee

Mon, 07/03/2023 - 12:00
Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Programs
July 3, 2023

Are you seeking an opportunity to collaborate and form connections with colleagues in other units?  Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Programs (SCAIP) invites you to volunteer to serve on the Student Conduct Committee (SCC). The SCC makes decisions regarding serious and recurring alleged violations of university policies, which may result in probation, suspension or dismissal. Your participation helps contribute to the co-curricular education and development of students. You will also be supporting a respectful and safe UCR community. The time commitment is flexible and based on your availability. If you are interested in serving on the SCC, please speak to your supervisor about the opportunity, and then send an email to conduct@ucr.edu with the following information:

•    Name

•    Department

•    Title

•    Extension/Phone number

•    Email Address

Thank you,

Student Conduct & Academic Integrity Programs