Latest Stories for February 18th, 2020

Arts Walk installation opens

UC Riverside’s new outdoor art installation is now open to the public. The campus celebrated the project completion Feb. 11 with a dedication ceremony in the middle of the bright yellow signs, concrete furniture, and garden landscape that make up the 5,000-square-foot circular sculpture outside the Arts building. Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox said the...

By Imran Ghori |

Stand up and be counted in the Alumni Roll Call

UC Riverside’s Alumni Roll Call is off to a strong start with an estimated 5,000 graduates taking part so far. The campus is encouraging staff and faculty members who are alumni to join as well and help spread the word to fellow Highlanders. The campaign began Feb. 1 and will continue through March 15. The Roll Call is UCR’s version of a census...

By Imran Ghori |