Latest Stories for December 17th, 2024

Old extension building demolition begins

The old UC Riverside Extension building is coming down to make way for a new clean technology park. Demolition began in November of the former UCR Extension Center on University Avenue, with the parking garage torn down over the course of a month. Following some cleanup work at the 3.44-acre site, demolition of the building will begin early next...

By Imran Ghori |

Highlander Farewells for December 2024

Highlander Farewells is a recurring feature spotlighting faculty and staff members who recently retired or are retiring soon. Find out more about the contributions of UCR colleagues with about 25 years or more of service in the short profiles that follow. Retirees with fewer years or who did not provide profile information are listed below. The...

By UCR News |

School of Education creates a community space for students

UC Riverside’s School of Education has created a new central gathering space for students with a renovated courtyard at Sproul Hall. The area, located in the middle of Sproul Hall, was refurbished over the summer to create a more inviting space for students to meet, study, and socialize, said James Rowland, director of marketing and communications...

By Imran Ghori |