Content Tagged with: provost elizabeth watkins

UCR getting ready to launch a new kind of research center

UC Riverside aims to offer researchers a chance to collaborate and pursue ambitious projects with centralized funding and administrative support through the first Campus Interdisciplinary Research Center. Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Elizabeth Watkins and Rodolfo Torres, vice chancellor for Research and Economic Development, announced the...

By Imran Ghori |

Resources at UCR amid violence in Israel and Palestine

Dear Campus Community, We were heartbroken to watch as violence broke out in Israel and Palestine this past weekend. At UC Riverside, we encourage department leaders to reach out to students, faculty, and staff that may be impacted. Additionally, we provide services for students through the Counseling and Psychological Services team at 951-827-5331...

By Elizabeth Watkins |

Provost’s winter campus update

Dear Campus Community, We start this new year with signed union contracts with our academic researchers, postdoctoral scholars, graduate student researchers, and teaching assistants. The contracts provide important salary increases and expanded benefits to these essential members of our academic workforce, and we all look forward to working...

By Elizabeth Watkins |