Policy Spotlight Series: Establishing and Maintaining Presidential Policies

August 2, 2021
Ian Harazduk
Compliance Analyst & Privacy Officer
Chief Compliance Office
August 2, 2021

Each month the Chief Compliance Office will highlight a policy for its Policy Spotlight Series. This month focuses on the technical revision of the UC Policy on Establishing and Maintaining Presidential Policies ("Policy on Policies"):

The University of California Presidential Policy on Establishing and Maintaining Presidential Policies ("Policy on Policies") underwent technical revisions in order to improve its overall readability. The Policy on Policies defines a Presidential Policy as a governing principle that mandates or constrains actions and applies to all locations (unless otherwise indicated); ensures compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations; enhances, the University’s mission, promotes operational efficiencies, and helps to reduce risk exposure; and endures from one Presidential administration to another. The Policy also describes the approval process for Presidential Policies; describes the steps required for policy development, review, and approval for new and existing policies; and outlines required consultation with Academic Senate, Academic Personnel and Program, Human Resources, and students. 

All Presidential Policies follow a standardized policy management process. All new policies are taken through a series of stages, which include proposal of the new policy, development and consultation with Stakeholders, vetting by applicable offices and systemwide comment period, recommendation by policy committees, and approval and issuance by the President.  All existing policies are reviewed on a periodic basis and if revisions are necessary, they are taken through either the technical review or the substantive review process. The Presidential Policy Approval Process for new and substantive revisions culminates in a recommendation from the Policy Advisory Committee and the Policy Steering Committee with eventual approval by the President.

For more information and resources regarding the UC Policy on Policies, please visit the University Policy Office website, which  includes a searchable list of all Presidential Policies, includes resources for policy development, and a listing of campus policy contacts.