Announcements for May 9th, 2022

Proposed campus procedures for establishing, increasing, reducing, or eliminating campus-based student fees

The UCR Policy Office invites comments on the newly-developed Campus Procedures for Establishing, Increasing, Reducing or Eliminating Campus-Based Student Fees. These procedures implement the systemwide Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations and Students (PACAOS), Sections 80.00 and 90.00 on the UCR campus. The proposed procedures...

By Ian Harazduk |

Spring Splash Campus Notification

Dear UCR Campus Community, On Saturday, May 14, the Associated Student Program Board (ASPB) within the Division of Students Affairs is hosting UCR's annual Spring Splash concert. We wanted to notify you of potential amplified sound and access that may affect the inner areas of campus. The event kicks off at 2:00pm and will last until 7:00pm...

By Associated Student Program Board |