“Compassionate clause” concluding at the end of this quarter

October 20, 2022
Elizabeth Watkins and Gerry Bomotti
October 20, 2022

Dear Colleagues:

This fall the UC Riverside campus has successfully returned to our most expansive in-person operations since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.


With the wide availability of vaccines and boosters to Californians of all ages, high vaccination rates among employees and students, more COVID-19 treatment options, and continued availability of testing on campus, UCR will continue to pivot from an emergency response mode to more standard campus operations. 

For the last few quarters, the compassionate clause allowed for exceptions to normal course delivery modes through an approval process starting in the home department that was offering the course. These course modality changes (from in-person to remote) applied to instructors living with children under the age of 5, living with one or more immunocompromised individuals, or who are immunocompromised individuals themselves.

Similar consideration was provided to any staff member in an equivalent situation, with approvals required by the organizational unit head.

Effective December 31, 2022, we will transition from this pandemic-specific extraordinary proviso to our standard accommodations for all employees, amid more normal operational procedures. Decisions about hybrid or remote work are made at the organizational level, and discussions about such arrangements should take place with supervisors. Employees with a medical condition or disability should contact Human Resources about whether they qualify for an accommodation as was the case prior to the start of the pandemic.