Content Authored by: Katharine Hall

Studying the brain as a network

Studying the resemblance of brain and computer function can lead to advancements in brain therapies and treatments

By Katharine Hall |

Recent CEE Ph.D. Graduate Wins CA-NV Section Academic Achievement Award, Moves on to Compete Nationally

Michelle Chebeir, recent Chemical and Environmental Engineering graduate of the Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering, won the California-Nevada American Water Works Association (AWWA) Academic Achievement Award – Doctoral 1 st Place and will move on to compete nationally. The annual award encourages academic excellence by recognizing...

By Katharine Hall |

Research by bioengineering professor highlighted in publication

The Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) featured assistant professor of bioengineering Giulia Palermo’s research in its 2018 Young Investigators Virtual Issue released in July. Her publication, “Protospacer adjacent motif-induced allostery activates CRISPR-Cas9,” was selected as one of 26 publications featured on the list that compiles...

By Katharine Hall |

Professor Kawai Tam Recognized Campus-wide for Teaching and Research Excellence

Kawai Tam, a professor of teaching of chemical and environmental engineering (CEE) at the Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE) was named the recipient of both the University of California, Riverside (UCR) 2017-2018 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement and the BCOE Distinguished...

By Katharine Hall |

The Celebration of Teaching Recognizes Bioengineering Professor and Advisor at Annual Event

In May, the University of California, Riverside (UCR) recognized William Grover, assistant professor of bioengineering, and Emily Nudge, bioengineering academic advisor, at its annual Celebration of Teaching event for their contributions to enhancing the student experience. The event, now in its second year, highlights excellence in teaching and...

By Katharine Hall |