Victoria Reyes wins the William Foote Whyte Career Award

Author: Sandra Baltazar Martinez
July 10, 2024

Victoria Reyes, associate professor with the Gender and Sexuality Studies Department, has been recognized by the American Sociological Association, or ASA.

On Aug. 11 Reyes will be awarded the William Foote Whyte Career Award in Montreal. Whyte was a professor emeritus of sociology at Cornell University known for his passion to reform and document societal issues, including documenting Italian-American gangs in Boston, which led to his best-selling book, “Street Corner Society” in 1943.

Victoria Reyes

The ASA’s Sociological Practice and Public Sociology Section awards committee said in a written statement that they had “greatly enjoyed reading your work and the impact that it has had on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology.”

Reyes’ latest book, “Academic Outsider: Stories of Exclusion and Hope” was published in 2022.

“This award means so much to me. Rarely are we, as academics, awarded for our public-facing work or really, any work outside traditional peer-reviewed publications. Yet, public work, along with our teaching, is how we are able to use our expertise beyond the ivory tower, to reach a broader audience,” Reyes said. “I'm grateful for this recognition, especially since I've written very vulnerable and personal pieces — writings that tend to not have much cache for our merits, promotions, and standing in the university and discipline more generally.”