Alumni win over $300K in 2024-25 awards through CUREL

Author: Malinn Loeung
August 30, 2024

With the help of the Center for Undergraduate Research and Engaged Learning, or CUREL, recent graduates of UC Riverside racked up over $300,000 worth of funding for the 2024-25 academic year to pursue their studies and research. Read more about the prestigious scholarships and awards they received below. 

CORO Fellows Program in Public Affairs trains ethical, diverse civic leaders nationwide. Coro fellows engage in government, business, labor, and not-for-profit community organizations, and participate in special community and political problem-solving processes.

Alyssa Fundal

Alyssa Fundal ’24, bachelor’s in environmental science and psychology, is currently continuing her research assistantship with the Gray Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Plastic Pollution Lab.

“I'm honored and surprised to have been selected for the Coro Fellowship in LA. Coming in with a scientific background, I know I’m not the typical applicant to the Coro Fellowship, which tends to attract political science, public policy, and pre-law students. However, I look forward to contributing my unique perspective and growing my interdisciplinary skillset. Coro is an extremely rigorous and intense program, but it’s also my foot in the door into public policy. I think it’s going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I know I’m going to learn a lot from the experience.” — Fundal

Andrea Terrones

Andrea Terrones ’23, bachelor’s in political science, has worked at a private personal injury law firm in Los Angeles, Jacoby & Meyers LLP, for the last year, and hopes to pursue a career as a public interest attorney.

“I am honored to have been selected as a Coro Fellow in Public Affairs and look forward to embarking on this amazing journey! The Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs is rigorous, demanding, and provides unparalleled opportunities for leadership and professional development, and I am ready for the challenge!” — Terrones

Fulbright U.S. Student Program is a national award providing grants for individually designed study/research/artistic projects, or for English Teaching Assistant (ETA) programs for one academic year in over 160 countries. Fulbright alumni have included 40 heads of state or government, 61 Nobel laureates, 89 Pulitzer Prize winners and 76 MacArthur Fellows, among other leaders and change-makers.

Jewell Reynolds ’23, bachelor’s in Asian studies and international affairs/political science, is currently working as a substitute teacher until she’s ready to apply for graduate school.

“The Fulbright program is excellent at connecting people from across the globe in pursuing their education and their goals. It feels amazing to get to be a part of that. I'm really honored by and excited     for this opportunity.” — Reynolds

Gates Cambridge Scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge. Scholars are selected based on outstanding intellectual ability, leadership potential, and a commitment to improving the lives of others.

Kathy Chacon

Kathy Michelle Chacon ’20, bachelor’s in media and cultural studies, will be attending the University of Cambridge in fall and pursuing a master’s degree in film and screen studies.

“For me, the road to the University of Cambridge has not been very straightforward. I graduated from UCR in the middle of the pandemic. Then, life happened, and I found myself doing everything but graduate school – living in Spain for a year, working at a public middle school, and freelancing as a film critic. When I was finally ready to start my graduate studies, I received an acceptance from Cambridge, but one month before the start of my program, I was unable to secure funding and had no choice but to withdraw from the University. However, I felt strongly that Cambridge was where I wanted to be, so I took some time to recollect myself and tried a different way. Last year, I reapplied to the university, but this time, with the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, which I had the great fortune of receiving. I am deeply honored to be one of 26 U.S. scholars selected for the 2024 Gates Cambridge cohort. Without the immense generosity of this full-cost scholarship, I simply could not afford to pursue the program of my dreams. I am eager to begin my studies and hope to pay it forward by ultimately creating a scholarship program of my own, one designed to provide vital resources and support to the next generation of arts and humanities scholars.” — Chacon

National Science Foundation: Graduate Research Fellowship Program recognizes and supports outstanding students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited U.S. institutions. As the oldest graduate fellowship of its kind, the GRFP has a long history of selecting recipients who achieve high levels of success in their future academic and professional careers.

Smiling college student

Rayyan Ayoub ’24, bachelor’s in bioengineering, is pursuing a Ph.D. in bioengineering at UCSD.

“During my journey at UCR, I've faced numerous academic, family, and financial challenges, yet I have remained committed to undergraduate research and mentorship. With the support of incredible mentors such as Joshua Morgan, Robert McKee, Gladis Herrera-Berkowitz, and others from bioengineering and Undergraduate Education, I am honored to have received over 15 academic awards and scholarships. To aspiring scholars, I offer this advice: Don’t hesitate to open the next door in your career — you never know how long it will stay open.” — Ayoub

Rangel Graduate Fellowship Program provides benefits of up to $45,000 over two years toward a two-year master’s degree, arranges internships on Capitol Hill and at U.S. embassies, and provides mentorship and professional development support.

Jacqueline De La O

Jacqueline Aguirre De La O ’20, bachelor’s in sociology, is pursuing a master’s in intercultural and international education at American University in Washington D.C.

“I am honored to have won the Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Fellowship with the assistance of Gladis Berkowitz-Herrera, Carol Park, Dr. David Biggs, and Dr. Edward Chang. I am also grateful to the Rangel Fellowship Program because they will be supporting me both professionally and academically as I prepare to pursue a career as a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State.” — Aguirre De La O

Winston Churchill Scholarship encourages the exchange of knowledge and the sharing of ideas in science and technology between the United States and Great Britain. 

Peter Carney

Peter Carney ’24, bachelor’s in physics, won the Churchill Scholarship but declined the award (with much difficulty) and will instead pursue his graduate studies at CalTech.

“It’s a blessing to see preparation meet opportunity, and that I get to represent the UC Riverside physics community. To all who have helped me on my journey towards success, I’m more grateful than words can express.” — Carney

Interested students and recent graduates should visit the CUREL website to learn more about applying for prestigious and international scholarships and other programs to enhance personal development, educational growth, and marketability.