UCR Healthy Campus would like to invite you to participate in our “I Wear A Face Covering/Mask” social media campaign. The goal of this campaign is to encourage and normalize the use of masks/face coverings during this pandemic. We are collecting photos of UCR students, faculty, and staff (including their friends and family as well), to be featured on our social media platforms. We need your help to be a role model, create awareness, and a culture of caring and compassion.
To participate, please submit a picture of yourself wearing a face covering/mask along with a short quote as to why you wear a face covering/mask. You can be creative and submit a statement, caption, or anything that gets the message across. You can also share your own face coverings that you made, face coverings that are special to you, or anything you like to say!
Please send to:
Ashleigh Singh – Healthy Campus communications and marketing intern at asing166@ucr.edu by Oct 30, 2020.
We will be posting these weekly on our Healthy Campus Instagram in a few weeks, so please make sure to follow us @ucrhealthycampus.