Campus bakery offers custom cakes

Dessert lovers have another sweet treat to enjoy at UC Riverside: Dining Services is now offering custom-made cakes baked fresh on campus. The cakes are available to order online through Sweet Tooth Bakery, the name used for baked goods made at the Glasgow Residential Restaurant and provided to other campus dining venues. Allison Eagan, who...

By Imran Ghori |

Rising to the top

The first baker usually arrives at 5 a.m. each morning at UC Riverside’s Glasgow Residential Restaurant, switching on the ovens and preparing pastries, bagels, and other items for breakfast service. It’s only the start of the day for the bakery, which is staffed until 9 p.m., and produces thousands of freshly made baked goods each day ranging from...

By Imran Ghori |

Highlanders mentor teens aspiring to STEM careers

Approximately 70 high school students who are considering careers in STEM, or science, technology, engineering, and math, industries spent three days at the UC Riverside campus engaging with industry experts and other teens from surrounding Riverside and San Bernardino County high schools, many of them from Riverside Unified School District. STEM...

By Malinn Loeung |