Campus response to systemwide hiring freeze

Dear Faculty and Staff, Last week University of California President Michael Drake announced a systemwide hiring freeze and directed all UC locations to develop workforce management plans to address potential budget shortfalls. Each campus has the discretion to implement this directive in a way that is most appropriate to their local context. As...

By Dan Jeske, Alex Najera, and Elizabeth Watkins |

Provost's winter campus update

Dear Campus Community, For this quarterly campus update, I want to focus on a scary topic: emergencies. This fall, I asked the XCITE Center for Teaching and Learning and the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) to partner on developing a suite of resources for faculty to help them to be better prepared in the event of an emergency in or near their...

By Elizabeth Watkins |

Provost's fall campus update

Dear Campus Community, It seems like when it comes to information technology, the only constant is change. I realize that it can be hard to keep up with and adapt to the new systems, policies, and practices that we’ve been rolling out in rapid succession at UCR. Please know that these changes are not undertaken lightly. Each one is necessary to...

By Elizabeth Watkins |

University Librarian Steven Mandeville-Gamble announces retirement

After more than 12 years as University Librarian, Steven Mandeville-Gamble will be retiring at the end of the academic year. Since his appointment in 2013, Steven has played a pivotal role in aligning UCR Library services with the evolving needs of our growing campus community and fostering a culture of creativity and innovation.

By Elizabeth Watkins |

Regents Policy 4408: Policy on Public and Discretionary Statements

As we prepare to begin the new academic year, we find ourselves navigating national and international issues that have a profound and personal impact on many members of our university community. Free speech and academic freedom are cornerstone values of UC Riverside and the University of California system.

By Elizabeth Watkins |

Budget update for fiscal year 2025

On March 15, we wrote to you about knowns and unknowns regarding the FY25 budget. Now that Governor Newsom has signed the Budget Act of 2024, we have more information to guide our plans for UCR’s FY25 budget.

By Elizabeth Watkins and Gerry Bomotti |

Provost's spring campus update

One year ago, I wrote to announce the official launch of our campus strategic plan, UCR 2030. Today, I’m pleased to announce that we have completed the annual update to UCR 2030.

By Elizabeth Watkins |

Interim guidance in addressing discrimination and offering support

We are writing to communicate that the University of California and UC Riverside non-discrimination policies protect against discriminatory conduct that occurs on campus, in connection with UC employment, or denies access to UCR programs and activities.

By Elizabeth Watkins, Kiersten Boyce, and Alex Nájera |

Provost's winter campus update

Dear Campus Community, I write this quarter with an update on investments being made to support our research mission at UCR. The campus will make two significant investments in 2024: 1) recurring central funding for a new campus interdisciplinary research center and 2) the purchase of a web-based platform that displays publicly available...

By Elizabeth Watkins |

UCR Budget Update for Fiscal Year 2023-24

We are writing to give you an update on the final outcome of the fiscal year 2023-24 UC Riverside operating budget.

By Elizabeth Watkins and Gerry Bomotti |

Provost's fall campus update

As we start another academic year, I’ve been thinking a lot about student success. Last week I sent out a communication about new investments in PhD and MFA student funding, as a first step towards achieving our desired growth, which includes not only a larger number of students enrolled at UCR, but also improved outcomes for those students in...

By Elizabeth Watkins |

PhD/MFA student funding at UCR for 2023-24 and 2024-25

Dear Colleagues: Graduate education is at the core of our mission as an AAU member university. It is our express ambition, as affirmed in the UCR 2030 strategic plan, to grow our doctoral programs. This growth includes not only a larger number of students enrolled at UCR, but also improved outcomes for those students in terms of graduation rates...

By Elizabeth Watkins and Lidia Kos |

Resources at UCR amid violence in Israel and Palestine

Dear Campus Community, We were heartbroken to watch as violence broke out in Israel and Palestine this past weekend. At UC Riverside, we encourage department leaders to reach out to students, faculty, and staff that may be impacted. Additionally, we provide services for students through the Counseling and Psychological Services team at 951-827-5331...

By Elizabeth Watkins |

Campus operations continuing as normal

Dear Campus Community, I am writing to confirm that classes will continue as scheduled tomorrow, Monday, August 21. However, we encourage instructors to practice maximum flexibility and utilize remote options if needed, and to communicate those options to their students. Similarly, though campus operations will continue tomorrow, we encourage...

By Elizabeth Watkins |

CNAS dean stepping down

Dear Campus Community, Kathryn Uhrich, the longest serving Dean of the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS) in 40 years, is stepping down effective September 1, 2023. Dean Uhrich was appointed in January 2016. For the past seven and a half years, she has remained steadfastly committed to the pursuit of equity and excellence in...

By Elizabeth Watkins |

Provost's spring campus update

Dear Campus Community, I am pleased to announce the official launch of our campus strategic plan, UCR 2030. The website is now live! I encourage you to explore the site, which includes links to the strategic plans of our academic and administrative units as well. Progress on initiatives and action items will be updated annually in the spring.

By Elizabeth Watkins |

UAW Contracts Updates

Dear Colleagues, As I noted in my winter campus update, the new union contracts with our academic researchers, postdoctoral scholars, graduate student researchers, and teaching assistants provide important salary increases and expanded benefits to these essential members of our academic workforce.

By Elizabeth Watkins |

Provost’s winter campus update

Dear Campus Community, We start this new year with signed union contracts with our academic researchers, postdoctoral scholars, graduate student researchers, and teaching assistants. The contracts provide important salary increases and expanded benefits to these essential members of our academic workforce, and we all look forward to working...

By Elizabeth Watkins |

UCR budget update for fiscal year 2022-23

Dear UCR Colleagues, We are writing to give you an update on the final outcome of the fiscal year 2022-23 UC Riverside operating budget. As we noted in last year’s letter, we once again have a lot of information to share, which makes this email a lengthy read.

By Elizabeth Watkins and Gerry Bomotti |

“Compassionate clause” concluding at the end of this quarter

Dear Colleagues: This fall the UC Riverside campus has successfully returned to our most expansive in-person operations since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the wide availability of vaccines and boosters to Californians of all ages, high vaccination rates among employees and students, more COVID-19 treatment options, and continued...

By Elizabeth Watkins and Gerry Bomotti |