Provost Latest News
Provost's Fall Campus Update
Dear Campus Community, Each September, campus leadership kicks off the academic year with a day-long on-site retreat. The group consists of the chancellor’s cabinet and the provost’s cabinet, plus leaders from the Academic Senate and Staff Assembly. This year, we spent the day discussing undergraduate enrollment, because our colleagues in...
Compassionate clause to continue fall quarter
Dear Colleagues: As we look forward to the start of the fall quarter, we would like to confirm that the compassionate clause will remain in effect. The compassionate clause, which was in place last academic year, allowed for exceptions to normal course delivery modes through an approval process starting in the home department that is offering the...
New School of Education dean appointed
Dear campus community, I am excited to announce the appointment of Dr. Joi Spencer as Dean of the School of Education. Her first day will be January 1, 2023. Joi joins us from the University of San Diego, where she is a Professor of Mathematics Education in the School of Leadership and Education Sciences (SOLES). During her 16 years at USD, Joi has...
New dean of the UCR School of Public Policy named
Dear campus community, I am excited to announce the appointment of Dr. Mark Long as Dean of the School of Public Policy. His first day will be January 1, 2023. Mark joins us from the University of Washington, where he is a Professor in the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance and an Adjunct Professor of Economics. He previously served as...
Spring update on FY22 Budget
Dear UCR Colleagues, While we await news on the final State budget and our allocation from the UC Office of the President for 2022-23, I thought I’d write to inform you about a number of financial decisions recommended by the Campus Finance Committee (CFC) and approved by the Chancellor and me since I last wrote in November about UCR’s 2021-22...
Reinstating indoor masking for two weeks
Dear Campus Community, In consultation with UC Riverside’s Public Health Advisory Committee, campus leadership, the Academic Senate, and other UC campuses, we have elected to temporarily reinstate UC Riverside’s indoor mask mandate, starting Monday, May 30. From May 30 through June 13, face coverings will be required in indoor spaces on campus and...
Provost’s Spring Campus Update
Dear Campus Community, The topic of this spring campus update is strategic planning. What has happened? Soon after I began as provost in May 2021, I pressed pause on the strategic planning process. While we had some of the best thinkers on campus engaged in strategic planning, some campus constituencies expressed disappointment with the penultimate...
UCR 2022-23 faculty salary program
Dear Faculty, I am writing to provide further detail about the UCR 2022-23 faculty salary program. It will include an increase to scale salaries, increases for both off-scale and above-scale salary components, the increases associated with merit and promotion advances, and a special salary equity program that is the first in quite some time at UCR...