Content Tagged with: UCR Veterans Resource Center

Veterans center director honored by national group

A national student veterans group has named Tamara Thacker, director of UC Riverside’s Veterans Resource Center, as one of its advisers of the year. Student Veterans of America, or SVA, a Washington DC-based nonprofit, selected Thacker as one of five honorees for the Chapter Adviser of the Year. The group describes the award as acknowledging “the...

By Imran Ghori |

UCR wins top “military friendly” status

UC Riverside has once again won the designation of a military friendly school in recognition for the programs and services it offers to veterans and military-connected students. UCR earned the No. 3 spot among participating tier 1 research institutions on a top 10 list released March 13 by Military Friendly, a program operated by VIQTORY, a...

By Imran Ghori |

VA Secretary hears from UCR student veterans

U.S. Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough met with UC Riverside campus leaders and student veterans Tuesday, Oct. 5 to hear how the federal government can do more to support veterans. McDonough visited the campus at the invitation of Rep. Mark Takano, D-Riverside, chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. They were joined by Erica...

By Imran Ghori |

UCR receives ‘Military Friendly Schools’ designation and earns No. 1 ranking

The distinction recognizes the university’s services and programs to support student-veterans.

By Sandra Baltazar Martinez |