Content Tagged with: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

Campus first: UCR professor becomes Astronomical Society Fellow

Society honors Stephen Kane for work on planetary habitability, Venus, exoplanets, spirit of collaboration

By Jules Bernstein |

UCR biogeochemist to use Yale fellowship to study the Salton Sea

Lyons to research growing global issue of shrinking lakes

By Jules Bernstein |

UCR biogeochemistry professor wins Geological Society high honor

Examinations of ancient Earth inspire search for life on distant worlds

By Jules Bernstein |

NASA fellowship fuels doctoral student’s search for alien life

Daria Pidhorodetska examines Earth-like planets for habitability

By Jules Bernstein |

Paleontology Professor Mary Droser wins National Academy of Sciences medal

Award recognizes outstanding research into ancient life

By Jules Bernstein |

Geology professor joins elite class of American Geophysical Union fellows

Andy Ridgwell to be honored as new AGU fellow during December meeting

By Jules Bernstein |

Recovery from dinosaur-killing asteroid has message for present

New research finds that it is not how many species you have, it is what they ‘do’ in an ecosystem that matters

By Jules Bernstein |

New UCR geology course earns national recognition

The Geological Society of America, or GSA, recognizes the academic excellence of only one university in the country each year, and this year, that honor goes to UC Riverside. The GSA/ExxonMobil Field Camp Excellence Award is given to universities running a geology field camp, which is the last class geology students typically take before graduating...

By Jules Bernstein |

UCR paleontologist wins prestigious prize

Mary Droser, a decorated paleontology professor, now has another accolade to her name. She is the winner of the 2019 Moore Medal in Paleontology awarded by the Society for Sedimentary Geology. More than 2,700 geoscientists belong to the society, which exists to help members share research with one another and enhance public awareness of the...

By Jules Bernstein |