Content Tagged with: Department of Psychology
UCR scholars honored by the White House for early career achievements
UCR professors Rachel Wu, Eunsoo Cho and Mahesh Raj Neupane have each received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, or PECASE, according to a recent announcement from The White House.
Psychology researcher named AAAS Fellow
UC Riverside psychology researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky has been named a 2023 fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, or AAAS. As part of the organization’s 150th anniversary class, she joins one of the world’s largest general scientific societies. Election as a fellow honors members “whose efforts on behalf of the...
Self-talk helps Highlander take third place at UC Grad Slam
On May 3, UC Riverside doctoral student Shannon Brady competed in the 2024 UC Grad Slam, a system-wide contest that challenges graduate students to showcase their research in engaging presentations of three minutes or less. Out of 10 presentations, Brady’s psychology research “Thinking out Loud: Is Self-talk a Secret to Success?” took third place...
Psychologist elected fellow of Association for Psychological Science
Weiwei Zhang’s research focuses on perception, attention, memory, and higher cognition
Psychologist named fellow of UC Irvine Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
New fellows are nominated and elected by a majority vote of the current membership
Psychologist receives Opportunity Award Grant from James S. McDonnell Foundation
John Franchak will work on a project focused on understanding infants’ everyday experiences
Study aims to better understand HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders
New NIA funding will expand enrollment of a currently funded study to include people living with HIV
Using sheep brains to make waves
There was a time when Brain Awareness Day, which takes place each April, was just about the only outreach activity of the UC Riverside Neuroscience Graduate Students Association, or NGSA. But that changed when second-year graduate student David Nikom came to UCR in September 2020 from the University of Massachusetts Amherst after receiving his...
Neurobiologist receives high honor from National Fragile X Foundation
Neurobiologist Anubhuti Goel, an assistant professor of psychology, has received a Junior Investigator Award for 2022 from the National Fragile X Foundation, or NFXF. Goel, who joined UCR in 2019, is one of only 10 researchers to be honored with the award this year. The award will allow Goel to present her research at the NFXF International Fragile...
Doctoral student awarded competitive national fellowship to study social anxiety
Dana Glenn is the recipient of the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Individual Predoctoral Fellowship