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Campus photographer Stan Lim shares his favorite images
The steel piece connects two horticultural collections
Courtyard spruced up with a brighter look
A new clean technology park will be built in its place
Find out more about colleagues who recently retired
Students are encouraged to donate or pick out clothes at a thrift swap
Projects include new shelving and storage space
A 52% increase from the same period last year
The grant contest helps boost the Inland Empire economy
Dear Campus Community, Monique Michelle Dozier, vice chancellor of university advancement, has shared her decision to step down from her position at UC Riverside on February 14, 2025, to assume the vice chancellor for university advancement position at the largest HBCU in the country, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State…
Dear Campus Community, I have watched news of fires throughout Southern California for the last two days with a heavy heart. I am sure the destruction equally saddens all of you.
In support of UC Riverside’s strategic goal to expand the university’s visibility and scope of influence locally, nationally, and globally, UCR has invested in Academic Analytics.
Natalie Zlebnik has received a NARSAD Young Investigator Award from the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation
Society honors Stephen Kane for work on planetary habitability, Venus, exoplanets, spirit of collaboration
Brian Suh, UCR’s senior executive director of technology partnerships, has been appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to serve on a board that safeguards the intellectual property of crop breeders.
Key Takeaway: Faculty and staff must take action now to preserve data contained in shared d
Effective February 17, 2025, Duo Mobile will no longer support iOS 15. After the update, iOS 16 will
The recent California winds and subsequent wildfires have impacted many in our campus community.