Content Tagged with: Bourns College of Engineering
Teaching professor receives Regents Faculty Fellowship
J ia Chen, an assistant teaching professor of electrical and computer engineering, has been awarded a Regents Faculty Fellowship by the UCR Academic Senate’s Committee on Research to support her design and development of new models that can improve our ability to handle heterogeneous data used in machine learning and data science. The one-year, $9...
Heejung Jung named SAE Fellow
Heejung Jung has been named a Fellow of the Society of Automotive Engineers, or SAE, in recognition of his expertise and work in vehicle emissions for new emissions standards and new emissions measurement methods.
UCR now offers a bachelor’s degree in robotics engineering
The new major complements a robotics master’s degree unveiled in 2021
National Academy of Inventors recognizes four UCR professors
The National Academy of Inventors, or NAI, has bestowed its top honors on four professors from the University of California, Riverside.
Biofuels trailblazer elected to National Academy of Engineering
Charles E. Wyman has devoted most of his career to understanding and advancing technologies for the conversion of sustainable biomass into fuels, chemicals, and materials
Four UC Riverside professors named AAAS Fellows
The honor is considered one of the highlights of a recipient’s career
Robotic assistive device will lend a helping hand to infants with movement difficulties
Infants and young children with motor delays may soon be able to wear robotic helpers
Meet 2021-22's new faculty members
This year, UC Riverside hired 16 new faculty members from a variety of disciplines. Learn more about the new faculty members below: College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences Simon C. “Niels” Groen, assistant professor of evolutionary systems biology in the Department of Nematology, earned his Ph.D. in plant sciences at the University of...
UC Riverside professor and entrepreneur win Nokia Bell Labs Prize
Eamonn Keogh and FarmSense CTO Shailendra Singh placed third for their agricultural insect sensor
UC Riverside receives $7.3 million to support graduate students in areas of national need
Eight Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need grants totaling $7.3 million will support talented students with financial need
UC Riverside computer scientist receives IEEE data mining award
Eamonn Keogh is first in UC system to win lifetime achievement award
Engineering faculty join center to improve STEM pipeline for underrepresented students
Jia Chen and Vagelis Papalexakis collaborate with UT Rio Grande Valley on project
Engineering and chemistry doctoral students receive prestigious DOE fellowships
The funds will support their research in a DOE lab
IEEE honors data science rising star
Vagelis Papalexakis has received the 2021 Next Generation Data Scientist Award
UC Riverside receives NSF grant to improve equity and inclusion in engineering
The project will create a network of leaders across the UC system committed to achieving equity for women faculty in engineering
Can this rare type of ultraviolet light destroy PFAS “forever chemicals” in water?
UC Riverside engineers received a $400,000 NSF grant to find out
Fourteen UC Riverside professors receive NSF CAREER Awards
The number shatters UCR’s record for CAREER Awards set only last year
Multimodal sensing and learning project receives Air Force Office of Scientific Research grant
Salman Asif will develop a new framework to co-design sensing and learning algorithms to capture and efficiently process only the most essential data
Work to improve event-based programming receives $1.2 million grant
UC Riverside and New Jersey Institute of Technology split funds to work on the joint project
Grant supports development of diesel smoke-scrubbing device for marine vehicles
Marine diesel engines spew excessive particulate matter due to absence of proper control technology and less stringent rules