Content Tagged with: Bourns College of Engineering
Giulia Palermo Wins the 2020 Corwin Hansch Award
The award honors a scholar under the age of 40 for significant contributions to the field of computational drug design
Professor Mona Eskandari awarded prestigious Hellman Fellowship
Award supports development of a patent-pending technology to quickly diagnose and monitor respiratory diseases
Will Brillouin spectroscopy become as indispensable for science as Raman spectroscopy?
Review paper identifies new twists and turns in light scattering spectroscopy
Ultrasound mind reading machine could improve assistive robotics
Less invasive interface maps brain activity to predict movements
Luat Vuong receives DARPA Director’s Fellowship of the Young Faculty Award Program
Vuong’s unique image processing technology combines arthropod-inspired vision system and artificial intelligence algorithms
Jay Farrell named new endowed chair
The KA Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering established through $1 million gift
UCR’s School of Medicine ranked No. 6 for diversity
UC Riverside’s School of Medicine is ranked No. 6 for diversity in U.S. News & World Report’s 2022 Best Grad School rankings released Tuesday, March 30. It was among several UCR programs that did well in the rankings, which are separated by discipline into different lists. Education, engineering, and social sciences moved up in their rankings or...
Cyber Defense Team takes first place in qualifier round, moves on to Regionals
The team bested a cyber defense scenario designed to test their information technology mettle
UC Riverside student-led startup vies for $25,000 in national pitch competition
Saru Recycling will compete in LaunchPad’s annual competition at Startup Grind’s Global Conference
Nael Abu-Ghazaleh made ACM Distinguished Member
The Association for Computing Machinery recognized him "For Outstanding Scientific Contributions to Computing.”
Bir Bhanu named a National Academy of Inventors fellow
Bhanu holds 18 U.S. and international patents with several others pending
Suveen Mathaudhu receives Brimacombe Medal
The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society conferred the award for exemplary contributions to the science of nanocrystalline materials, education of the public, and service to the profession
Poorest Inland Empire communities have highest fine particulate matter exposure
San Bernardino study participants had highest exposure to PM2.5 in their own homes
Cengiz Ozkan receives Turkey’s highest scientific award
The TUBITAK Scientific Research Award is given for pioneering accomplishments
10 UCR researchers make 2020 ‘Highly Cited’ list
Ten researchers at the University of California, Riverside, have been included in the 2020 Highly Cited Researchers list compiled by Clarivate Analytics, which was previously part of Thomson Reuters. The list includes the 6,167 most frequently cited researchers in the physical and social sciences, recognized as “researchers who demonstrated...
Mechanical engineering chair named ASME fellow
Guillermo Aguilar has joined the American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ 2020 class of fellows
Electro-magnetic capacitors could eventually rival gasoline for energy storage
Incorporating a magnetic field could help capacitors store more energy without breaking down
Two BCOE professors join DOE Energy Frontier Research Center
Alexander Balandin’s Phonon Optimized Engineered Materials Center will contribute to the Ultra EFRC’s research efforts by investigating acoustic phonons and thermal conduction in wide-band gap materials
CE-CERT Receives IEEE ITS Society Institutional Lead Award
The award recognizes CE-CERT's leadership in developing environmental technologies to improve transportation, air quality, and energy efficiency
Yanran Li receives NIH New Innovator Award
High-Risk, High-Reward Research Program grant will support efforts to produce plant natural products in yeast