Content Tagged with: College of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences
Music doctoral student receives accolades
Chun Chia Tai will present at a conference and start a fellowship in Taiwan
Juan Felipe Herrera, finalist of major literary prize
He is a Neustadt International Prize for Literature finalist
‘Look at This Blue’ is an ASLE finalist
Winners will be announced at ASLE’s annual conference in Oregon in July
Creative writing professor named a Radcliffe fellow
UC Riverside creative writing professor Laila Lalami has been selected for Harvard University’s prestigious Radcliffe Institute fellowship for the 2023-24 academic year. An acclaimed novelist, Lalami has been named a Catherine A. and Mary C. Gellert Fellow. She will spend the academic year researching and working on her new novel, “The Dream Hotel...
LA Times top editor delivers first in-person Hays PE lecture in four years
Los Angeles Times Executive Editor Kevin Merida recounted stories from his 44-year career in journalism while illuminating the behind-the-scenes work of journalists as part of the 54th Annual Hays Press-Enterprise Lecture. Merida spoke to students, staff, faculty, and community members Tuesday, May 9 at the University Theater in the first in-person...
Jorge Leal and Linda Lemus receive ELEVATE fellowship
Both professors will spend part of their summer in New Jersey
Alfonso Gonzáles Toribio receives Distinguished Career Award
The Midwest Political Science Association recognized him as Latino politics scholar
Inaugural CHASS Dean’s Speaker Series created a sense of community
The two-day event was filled with storytelling, history, and music.
UC Riverside faculty are honored at promotion ceremony
UC Riverside honored promoted faculty members at a luncheon at the Alumni and Visitors Center on Jan. 30. About 40 people attended, including Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox. Supervisors and colleagues joined those who were honored in celebrating their efforts. Promotions occurred across UCR schools, including the College of Humanities, Arts and Social...
Psychologist named fellow of UC Irvine Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
New fellows are nominated and elected by a majority vote of the current membership
Psychologist receives Opportunity Award Grant from James S. McDonnell Foundation
John Franchak will work on a project focused on understanding infants’ everyday experiences
Meet UCR’s new faculty members
For fall quarter 2022, UC Riverside welcomed 34 new permanent faculty members from a variety of disciplines. Learn more about the new faculty below: College of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences Sahin Acikgoz, an assistant professor of religious studies, is a member of the executive committee of the Middle East and Islamic Studies Program. They...
Study aims to better understand HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders
New NIA funding will expand enrollment of a currently funded study to include people living with HIV
Using sheep brains to make waves
There was a time when Brain Awareness Day, which takes place each April, was just about the only outreach activity of the UC Riverside Neuroscience Graduate Students Association, or NGSA. But that changed when second-year graduate student David Nikom came to UCR in September 2020 from the University of Massachusetts Amherst after receiving his...
Highlander Class of 2022 celebrates commencement
UC Riverside held 12 commencement ceremonies over the past week, attracting thousands of graduates and their families in the biggest in-person graduation celebration on campus since before the pandemic. The ceremonies began Friday, June 3, and concluded Monday, June 13. A total of 7,272 students were eligible to graduate. That included 1,117...
Xóchitl Chávez is curatorial advisor of a Smithsonian American Latino exhibition
The gallery features a Spanish and English exhibition titled: “¡Presente! A Latino History of the United States.” It opens June 18.
Neurobiologist receives high honor from National Fragile X Foundation
Neurobiologist Anubhuti Goel, an assistant professor of psychology, has received a Junior Investigator Award for 2022 from the National Fragile X Foundation, or NFXF. Goel, who joined UCR in 2019, is one of only 10 researchers to be honored with the award this year. The award will allow Goel to present her research at the NFXF International Fragile...
UCR history professor wins grant for digital humanities project
UC Riverside's Catherine Gudis, professor of history and Teresa and Byron Pollitt Endowed Term Chair for Interdisciplinary Research and Learning in the Humanities & Social Sciences, has been awarded a $100,000 grant by the Social Science Research Council-National Endowment for the Humanities Sustaining Humanities Infrastructure Program. The project...
Meet 2021-22's new faculty members
This year, UC Riverside hired 16 new faculty members from a variety of disciplines. Learn more about the new faculty members below: College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences Simon C. “Niels” Groen, assistant professor of evolutionary systems biology in the Department of Nematology, earned his Ph.D. in plant sciences at the University of...
How do diasporic Ethiopians make their futures in Southern California?
Anthropologist Worku Nida and a team of international scholars have just launched an ethnographic study of how Ethiopian immigrants make their futures and good life through informal savings and insurance associations