Content Authored by: J.D. Warren

Mellon Grant will fund seminars on archival practices in African and African diaspora studies

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has approved a grant of $225,000 to the University of California, Riverside to support a Sawyer Seminar on the Comparative Study of Cultures titled "Unarchiving Blackness: Why the Primacy of African and African Diaspora Studies Necessitates a Creative Reconsideration of Archives.” The Mellon Foundation's Sawyer...

By J.D. Warren |

Psychology professor wins NSF grant

Psychology researcher Jimmy Calanchini has received a grant worth more than $431,000 from the National Science Foundation to fund a study of intergroup recognition. The project title is “A Model of Generalized Ingroup Recognition Advantage,” and the duration of the funding is from Sept. 1, 2021 to Aug. 31, 2024. Calanchini’s study will research the...

By J.D. Warren |

Psychology professor named ‘Rising Star’

UC Riverside assistant professor of psychology Jimmy Calanchini has been named a “Rising Star” by the Association for Psychological Science, or APS. The Rising Star designation is given to “outstanding APS members in the earliest stages of their research career post-PhD,” according to APS. Rising Stars have published innovative research that has...

By J.D. Warren |

University Communications research writer sets all-time record for media news site

University Communications research writer Jules Bernstein has been honored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s EurekAlert! news site for posting the most-viewed press release in its 25-year history. The milestone of 987,050 visits, announced by EurekAlert! on Dec. 23, recognizes Bernstein’s press release about dangers...

By J.D. Warren |

Psychology researcher receives NSF grant

UCR psychology researcher Brent Hughes has received a $495,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to expand upon his study into the phenomena known as “deindividuation” – the tendency for people tend to view members of their own groups as individuals, but members of other racial groups as interchangeable and indistinct. In his research...

By J.D. Warren |

Money magazine ranks UCR among nation’s top 50 universities

UC Riverside ranked No. 48 of 739 U.S. colleges in Money magazine’s Best Colleges for Your Money 2020, published Aug. 25. UCR was No. 32 among public universities. Among universities that accept half of their applicants, Money ranked UCR No. 13 in the country. And on its “Most Transformative Colleges” sublist — which weighs graduation rates...

By J.D. Warren |

UC Riverside acknowledged for growing its low-income student base

The American Talent Initiative, or ATI, recently named UC Riverside as among the nation’s top universities for enrolling low-income students. ATI was formed in December 2016 to encourage American colleges and universities with the highest graduation rates to enroll more students from low- and middle-income backgrounds. A recent report summarizing...

By J.D. Warren |

North District breaks ground with UC President in attendance

Providing a college home for students isn’t a new function for the 50-acre site on the north side of the UC Riverside campus. It’s been home for UCR students throughout the campus’s history: the North District project is simply the newest chapter. That was the message repeated in remarks at the groundbreaking for the largest-ever building project...

By J.D. Warren |

UCR Health appoints new CEO

UCR Health has named a 30-year health care veteran as its new CEO. Dr. Donald W. Larsen has most recently been the chief medical officer for Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, and interim executive director of the John Wayne Cancer Institute in Santa Monica. UCR Health is the fast-expanding clinical arm of the UC Riverside...

By J.D. Warren |

UCR professor named vice chair of UC-wide Academic Senate

Mary Gauvain, a UCR distinguished professor of psychology, has been named as vice chair of the systemwide University of California Academic Senate for 2019-20, and will become chair in 2020-21. The UC-wide Academic Senate, or Faculty Senate, is the principle authority for academic matters within the 10-campus UC system. Each of the campuses has its...

By J.D. Warren |

UCR’s new dean of students is an advocate for underrepresented students, free speech

An educator with a passion for boosting marginalized students will become UC Riverside’s next dean of students. Christine Mata will join UCR on Aug. 1 as dean of students and associate vice chancellor for Student Affairs. She is presently interim dean of students for Humboldt State University. Prior to her appointment to that post in July 2018...

By J.D. Warren |

UCR provost is named chancellor at UC Santa Cruz

UCR Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Cynthia K. Larive has been appointed the 11th Chancellor of UC Santa Cruz, effective July 1. "It is a wonderful opportunity for Cindy and a wise selection by President Napolitano, but a bittersweet moment for UCR," UCR Chancellor Kim Wilcox wrote in an email to the UCR campus on Thursday. "Cindy’s...

By J.D. Warren |

UCR joins launch of Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education

WASHINGTON, D.C. – UC Riverside is among 43 colleges, universities, and research institutions to join the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine launch of an Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education. The collaborative facilitates efforts to move beyond basic legal compliance to enacting policies...

By J.D. Warren |

Flocks & flocks of Birds: Campus studying electric scooter phenomena

A campus-wide group will meet this week to consider the proliferation of scooters on campus. The group will also factor more staid forms of wheeled devices, including skateboards and bicycles. This past year, campus planners, transportation officials, and police began looking at the future of how pedestrians and wheeled devices will interact on...

By J.D. Warren |

MRB’s gleaming atrium, revealed

Photographs from the atrium of the new Multidisciplinary Research Building, or MRB, indicate the project is nearing completion. Campus architect Jacqueline Norman pronounces the project “on schedule, and on budget” and said MRB recently achieved the “Beneficial Occupancy” threshold, which means the building can be outfitted with fixtures and...

By J.D. Warren |

UCR Today Has Become UCR News

Beginning Sept. 12, 2018, news of UC Riverside, its students, and its research, can be found on our new news site, All 2018 stories can also be found on the new site. We hope you will enjoy the vibrant new site, which represents, among many other changes, greater recognition of campus events, student life, and athletics. Along with...

By J.D. Warren |

UC Riverside Receives Diversity Award

RIVERSIDE, Calif. ( – INSIGHT into Diversity magazine has named UC Riverside one of its 2018 Higher Education Excellence in Diversity, or HEED, Award recipients. The 2018 award recognizes 96 U.S. colleges and universities that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion. UCR and the other honorees will be...

By J.D. Warren |

UC Riverside Fall 2018 Admissions Show Surge in Transfer Student Numbers

RIVERSIDE, Calif. ( – UC Riverside has again registered big strides in meeting California’s transfer student threshold, according to numbers released July 11 by the University of California Office of the President. UCR has admitted a total of 33,218 students for fall 2018, including 24,993 freshmen and 8,225 transfer students. It’s an...

By J.D. Warren |

Brian Haynes to be Appointed UCR Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

RIVERSIDE, Calif. ( – The head of Student Affairs for California State University, San Bernardino, or CSUSB, has been named to lead the UC Riverside Student Affairs office. Brian Haynes has been vice president for Student Affairs at Cal State San Bernardino since 2013. He becomes vice chancellor for Student Affairs at UCR effective Aug...

By J.D. Warren |

Forum Will Explore Media Challenges for Junior Faculty

A Thursday, March 1 forum open to faculty, staff, and students will explore the unique challenges junior faculty members face in establishing a media presence. The forum is from 12:30-2 p.m. in HMNSS 1500, and includes lunch. Seating is limited to the first 50 people, and you may register for the event at Panelists will share...

By J.D. Warren |