Content Authored by: David Danelski

UC grant to create computer code library for engineering applications

Craig Schroeder, a UCR assistant professor of computer science and engineering, will receive a $100,000 portion of a $300,000 grant from the University of California to build a library of open-source computer codes needed to develop software for complex engineering applications. Such software is used for simulating physical systems of solids and...

By David Danelski |

School of Education dean works for equity in education

Joi Spencer, the new dean of the School of Education, comes to UC Riverside with deep ties to Inland Southern California and a mission to help the region realize greater educational equity in public education. The daughter of working-class parents grew up in South Central Los Angeles and was bused to a magnet high school in Los Angeles. During her...

By David Danelski |

Engineering dean honored by National College Resources Foundation

Christopher Lynch, the dean of UCR’s Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering, was honored this month by the National College Resources Foundation, or NCRF, at its 10th Annual Gala held at Cal Poly Pomona University. Lynch was one of six honorees to receive the World Changer Award, which is presented to individuals who have made...

By David Danelski |

School of Education grad students, faculty member, alums win AAHHE fellowships

The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, or AAHHE, has honored two UCR School of Education graduate students, a faculty member, and two alums with 2022-23 fellowships. Nelly Cruz and Nathaly Martinez received the 2022-2023 graduate student fellowships. Both are pursuing careers in higher education administration and policy. The...

By David Danelski |

Engineering professor win NSF grant to probe ‘time crystals’

The National Science Foundation has awarded UCR Assistant Research Professor Hossein Taheri a $475,000 grant to probe the utility of “time crystals,” which are being studied as a new state of matter. Theorized by the Physics Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek about a decade ago, time crystals are in a way similar to snowflakes, quartz, and silicon...

By David Danelski |

OASIS initiative provides $1.7 million for UCR research projects

UCR's Office of Research and Economic Development (RED) has announced over $1.7 million in competitive funding for faculty research projects through its Opportunity to Advance Sustainability Innovation and Social Inclusion initiative, known as OASIS. The projects range from probing the severity of COVID-19 infection in Riverside County, through...

By David Danelski |